Buy a Bale Winter Appeal 2024/25

Buy a Bale Winter Appeal 2024/25


Raised so far

  • About

Buy a bale for our Hay Barn

Our Hay Barn is back!  Buy a 'bale' for our incredible therapy ponies this winter, and we'll add it to our Hay Barn here in our reception at our Centre!  


How to Buy A Bale

  1. Choose a size of bale - Wee Bale, Family Bale or Big Bale
  2. Make a donation, we've made some suggestions below, but feel free to choose your own amount
  3. We'll add your 'bale' to our 'Hay Barn' in our Centre reception here at West Fenton! Your donation can be anonymous, or we will add your name to a label on your bale.


Our 2024/25 winter appeal runs from November to February and aims to raise awareness of the impact our therapy ponies have for our participants, and to raise funds to support their care over the winter months.


Each of our specially trained therapy ponies bring positive benefits to their participants, which can include physical improvements to posture, muscle tone, balance and coordination, but also improvements to wellbeing through making connections with our ponies and our volunteers, and enjoying being outside on the farm. 


For pony stories and photos, see our website and follow our social channels and Latest news blog!